
Todd uses photography to examine themes of ecology, climate change, perceptions of landscape, and social justice while striving to strike a balance between art history and natural history. To do so, he employs a range of approaches, from documentary strategies to experimental techniques.

Forsgren lives in Billings, Montana where he is an Associate Professor of Art at Rocky Mountain College and also serves as the director of the Ryniker-Morrison Gallery.  Todd runs the Dipper Artist-in-Residence Program and AgX Photographic Services. He is working hard to get Pryor Press and Specular Highlights up and running!  Todd is proud to collaborate with artists, art historians, curators, and friends as part of Spectacle Box,  Atlantika Collective, and  f/4.5 Collective.

Todd earned a BA in biology and visual art from Bowdoin College and has a MFA in photography from J.E. Purkyne University. He was an artist-in-residence at the Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, the Artist's Enclave at I-Park, and Maryland Hall for Creative Arts as well as a Fulbright Fellow in Mongolia.

Forsgren's photographs have been featured in National GeographicSlateWiredThe GuardianNature,  and even Cosmopolitan. They've been shown at numerous venues including the New Art Museum (a branch of the National Museum of Poland, in Gdansk), the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Missoula Art Museum, the Yellowstone Art Museum, the Noorderlicht Photography Festival, the Academy Art Museum, the Rotterdam Photo Festival, the Indian Photography Festival, Koenig & Clinton, Carroll & Sons, Heiner Contemporary, and Jen Bekman Gallery.

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